Aerial shot of the Warwick University piazza
WSAF 2024 logo

WSAF 2024Warwick Student Arts Festival


What is WSAF?

Warwick Student Arts Festival (WSAF) is a 3 day showcase and celebration of all aspects of the arts at Warwick.

Every day will feature a morning-to-evening programme of events including theatre, dance, music, film, literature, comedy and art held across the entirety of campus.




What's On?

Across Saturday 8th June, Sunday 9th June and Monday 10th June we'll feature a huge variety of events across all our on-campus venues. You can find the full event schedule here.


View the Full List


As WSAF 2024 comes to a close, we'd greatly appreciate any feedback on who attended the event and how we can improve. Please fill in the brief feedback form below or email us at [email protected].

Feedback Form


Several of our events on the Piazza Stage, Curiositea and FAB Terrace will be livestreamed and recorded in collaboration with RAW Visual.

Watch the Livestreams
Watch the Day One Recap

Who's Involved?

This year's WSAF is being organised by the following volunteers, in combination with many other people working behind the scenes in roles such as marketing, tech and logistics.
Find out more about the full team and how you can get involved here.

Image of Adam


4th Year Computer Systems Engineering
WSAF Lead (Technical)
Image of Alex


2nd Year Chemistry (PhD)
WSAF Lead (Operations)
Image of Dae


2nd Year Liberal Arts
WSAF Lead (Communications)
Image of Maximus


1st Year Mathematics
WSAF Lead (Finance & Data)
Image of Josh


2nd Year Computer Science
Head of Digital
Image of Ellie


2nd Year English and Theatre Studies
Head of Marketing
Image of Ethan


3rd Year Mechanical Engineering
Head of Team Catering
Image of Joel


2nd Year Computer Science
Head of Streaming
Image of Kit


2nd Year Politics and Sociology
Image of Holly


1st Year English and Theatre Studies
Image of Danny


2nd Year Biological Sciences
Sustainability Coordinator
Image of Stan


1st Year Maths
Venue Manager
Image of George


1st Year Film Studies
Venue Manager
Image of Alice


3rd Year Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering
Venue Manager
Image of Alasdair


1st Year History
Venue Manager
Image of Echo


1st Year Cyber Security
Sound, LX & Tech
Image of Dallon


2nd Year Spanish, Italian and Linguistics
LX & Tech
Image of Kishan


2nd Year Discrete Maths
Sound & Tech
Image of Anis


3rd Year Philosophy with Psychology
Image of Glei


3rd Year English Literature
Image of Indie


1st Year Film Studies
Image of Kieran


1st Year Maths
Image of Hannah


1st Year Film and Television
Image of Adina


2nd Year Sociology and Criminology
Image of Veronica


1st Year Film Studies
View or Join the WSAF Team


The WSAF stand in 2015
WSAF 2014 Help Desk

Although we are a completely new team, Warwick Student Arts Festival is not a completely new concept to Warwick - it used to be yearly event from 2004 to 2015. We've done a bit of research into the lore and history of WSAF, which can be found here.

WSAF's History


What's going on?

Throughout Saturday, Sunday and Monday, we'll be hosting over 60 free events across Warwick University. You can find our full schedule and event list here.

Why are you putting on this event?

The University of Warwick has a wealth of highly motivated student bands, theatre societies and other performing groups which we want to present to whole University community in the summer term. This is inspired by the old 'Warwick Student Arts Festival', which to our knowledge last took place in 2015.

How is WSAF different to other events such as SocFest, MTW StageFest and Freshblood Festival?

WSAF's aim is to widen performance opportunities and to give people the chance to watch something that they might not have seen otherwise. We're providing a wider range of arts than society-specific events such as StageFest and Freshblood, and are more performance and arts-related than SocsFest. You're more than welcome to submit and exhibit the same performance at both WSAF and another event.

Where will everything take place?

WSAF will take place all over the University of Warwick campus, however we will primarily be located around the Piazza and FAB. You can view all our venues here.

I'd like to help out but don't want or have anything to perform. Is this possible?

Of course! We'll likely need a lot of help in advance with organisation and marketing, and on the day with operations and logistics. Please reach out to us at [email protected].

I've found references to an older Warwick Student Arts Festival or Warwick Fringe before. Is this related?

Yes! To the best of our knowledge, the Warwick Student Arts Festival used to be a yearly event, however this last ran in 2015. We're looking at reviving this again in 2024, with a completely new team. You can find more about our history here.

Where can I find more information?

Please contact us by email at [email protected] or on Instagram at @wsaf24.